Dr Graham Taylor, Chiropractor

B. App. Sc. (Clinical science), B. App. Sc. (Chiropractic) RMIT
Cert. Applied Kinesiology, Cert.  Retained Neonatal Reflexes.

Graham is an ex-Victorian but loves the warm water and friendly atmosphere up this way. He completed Chiropractic Studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Melbourne. He has also undertaken post graduate paediatric studies and continues to study in that area, as well as the Retained Neonatal Reflexes Technique (RNR) with which he has 13 years experience.

A major accident as a boy led Graham to experience the amazing benefits of chiropractic in healing his body and this inspired him to become a Chiropractor. He sees the accident (that at the time was the worst thing ever) as a blessing – if he hadn’t had that trauma as a boy, he may not have been led to Chiropractic and may not otherwise value so greatly the gift of mobility and wellness. Graham loves helping people function and move better – so Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology are great vehicles to help achieve positive outcome for his patients. To keep Graham mobile, he also enjoys surfing, yoga and qigong – and these activities form a foundation from which Graham recommends appropriate exercises to help people get back to their best after injury.

Here is a video where Dr. Graham explains why he loves chiropractic: https://youtu.be/CHBeVVyGGN0