Chiropractic Treatment and Benefits

Chiropractic Treatment and Benefits Taree NSWIf you have come to our website you probably already know a bit about chiropractic – maybe your question is, “can you help me”?

Chiropractic Treatment

When you think about chiropractic do you identify it with getting a spinal adjustment or a crack?

Certainly in appropriate situations, we do manual spinal manipulation and that can be very effective to help reduce pain and increase range of motion, when spinal misalignment has caused problems. We have different ways of adjusting your spine and not all of them involve “cracking”. This is because there are differences between people in the way their bodies are built and the type of problem they present with. It is true that our youngest patient came to see us aged two days and our oldest in his 90s, both of them with great results!

The Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

Many of our clients demonstrate to us their understanding of the importance of good spinal alignment. There are benefits they experience, including, but also beyond, reduced pain.

If you have experienced these chiropractic benefits before, have you ever wondered why it happens? We know that 90% of the information “input” to the brain originates in joints, ligaments and muscles so if there is a signal from the body telling the brain something is not working the brain produces “output” in an attempt to protect you from further injury. The type of “output” produced is often expressed as muscle spasm, resulting in a bent body (one side of your pelvis may be “up”; the other “down” and you may have a curved spine or scoliosis.

Observers may comment you are walking “kind of different”). There may be pain going places such as to your leg or buttock. Very often this problem responds very well to chiropractic care, because as well as balancing muscle tension, chiropractors go beyond the tight muscles to address the real cause of your  misalignment.

The main benefits of Chiropractic Treatment are:

  • Helps minimise potential migraines and neck-related headaches.
  • Boosted athletic performance and maximised lung function.
  • Improves your overall posture.
  • Reduces pain and improves range of motion of your spine and joints.
  • Reduces symptoms of chronic conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • Treats minor neck or spine injuries, especially whiplash.

Your chiropractors in Taree, Dr. Annika Jende and Dr. Graham Taylor, have a combined 50 years’ experience to offer you on your path to health