Dr Annika Jende, Chiropractor

B. Sc., D. C. AECC
Cert. Applied Kinesiology, Cert. LifeLifeLine Technique.

Annika was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and studied Chiropractic in the UK, at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic. She has been in Australia  since 1997; in the Manning Valley since 2005 and loves it here – this is her home because it feels like it is!

Annika is passionate about helping people realize the amazing potential they have to unleash joy in their lives. A major part of Annika’s time is spent studying and finding the best ways to relieve pain, improve function and allow people to see some light they may not have imagined was available to them. Over the years Annika has learned that to get deeper and better health outcomes, it can be really helpful to address not just the structural, but the chemical and emotional aspects of health as well, using Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology, making this a truly holistic, tailor-made approach to health care.