About Spectrum Chiropractic in Taree

Spectrum Natural Family Healthcare is where we give you a great “health experience”.

Our goal is to direct you towards greater health and inspire you to be at your best for the long term. Our goal is also to achieve this in a way that is authentic for you and hopefully, fun as well. Our approach is to listen to you and be fully present, therefore creating a meaningful therapeutic relationship based on respect for you and your healing pathway.

Call our reception now to make an appointment on 6550 1223.

  • Dr Annika Jende, Chiropractor

    B. Sc., D. C. AECC
    Cert. Applied Kinesiology, Cert. LifeLifeLine Technique.

    Annika was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and studied Chiropractic in the UK, at the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic. She has been in Australia  since 1997; in the Manning Valley since 2005 and loves it here – this is her home because it feels like it is!

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  • Dr Graham Taylor, Chiropractor

    B. App. Sc. (Clinical science), B. App. Sc. (Chiropractic) RMIT
    Cert. Applied Kinesiology, Cert.  Retained Neonatal Reflexes.

    Graham is an ex-Victorian but loves the warm water and friendly atmosphere up this way. He completed Chiropractic Studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Melbourne.

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